I’ve just been reading about a plastic bag that is supposed to be completely biodegradable! Unlike other marketed degradable plastics such those made from a corn based, which will only degrade under extreme temperatures, this one seems to really do the job, (fingers and toes crossed here). But some people have commented that this bag won’t break down in compost heap, as they don't reach sufficient temperatures (I know mine doesn’t). Has anyone used it?
If this is all it’s cracked up to e, it will be truly revolutionary, it that simply dissolves in hot water. No waste. No landfill.
Once you’ve finished with the bag, Place it in a receptacle filled with water, the plastic dissolves into the water almost immediately.
Cyberpac, its creators, claim that you don't need to boil it, just chuck it on the compost heap!
"Harmless-Dissolve is made from a hydro-degradable substrate which is 5 times stronger than normal polythene. It is a readily biodegradable, water-soluble polymer which completely biodegrades in a composting environment, in a dishwasher or in a washing machine. It has no harmful residues and will biodegrade into naturally occuring substances - the bugs love it.
"It's non-toxic and is degraded by micro-organisms, moulds and yeasts. These organisms can occur in both artificial environments, such as anaerobic digesters, activated sewage sludge and composts and natural environments such as aquatic systems and soil. The micro-organisms use Harmless-Dissolve as a food source by producing a variety of enzymes that are capable of reacting with it. In the end the bag becomes carbon dioxide, water and biomass.
“Harmless-Dissolve is incredibly versatile and flexible. It can be produced in many colours and formats:
”For envelopes, Harmless-Dissolve can be made in any size, printed full colour process using biodegradable inks and finished with a biodegradable peel and seal lip.”
They also produce a wide range of other environmentally friendly products
If this is all it’s cracked up to e, it will be truly revolutionary, it that simply dissolves in hot water. No waste. No landfill.
Once you’ve finished with the bag, Place it in a receptacle filled with water, the plastic dissolves into the water almost immediately.
Cyberpac, its creators, claim that you don't need to boil it, just chuck it on the compost heap!
"Harmless-Dissolve is made from a hydro-degradable substrate which is 5 times stronger than normal polythene. It is a readily biodegradable, water-soluble polymer which completely biodegrades in a composting environment, in a dishwasher or in a washing machine. It has no harmful residues and will biodegrade into naturally occuring substances - the bugs love it.
"It's non-toxic and is degraded by micro-organisms, moulds and yeasts. These organisms can occur in both artificial environments, such as anaerobic digesters, activated sewage sludge and composts and natural environments such as aquatic systems and soil. The micro-organisms use Harmless-Dissolve as a food source by producing a variety of enzymes that are capable of reacting with it. In the end the bag becomes carbon dioxide, water and biomass.
“Harmless-Dissolve is incredibly versatile and flexible. It can be produced in many colours and formats:
”For envelopes, Harmless-Dissolve can be made in any size, printed full colour process using biodegradable inks and finished with a biodegradable peel and seal lip.”
They also produce a wide range of other environmentally friendly products